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Hepatitis B (Page 2)

Hepatitis B is a serious infection of the liver that can be either acute or chronic. This condition leads to many risks of the liver such as; liver failure, cirrhosis or liver cancer that can be fatal. Children or infants are likely to be hot by chronic HBV (long-lasting).


This virus is passed by person to person either through semen, bodily fluids, and blood. However, it is not spread by kissing, sharing utensils, sneezing, coughing, etc. Sharing of needles, mother to child, sexual contact and many others are the main reason through which this virus can be transmitted.


The main difference between acute and chronic HBV is that; acute hepatitis B infection lasts for less than 6 months and is mostly found in adults which if not treated well can lead to chronic infection. Whereas, chronic hepatitis B virus lasts for more than 6 months or longer. The reason for it to stay more is that your immune system is unable to fight off the infection.


The symptoms of HBV are as follows;

  • Abdominal pain

  • Dark urine

  • Joint pain

  • Fever

  • Weakness and fatigue

  • Jaundice

  • Yellowing of the eye and skin


You can easily get HBV drugs from our online pharmacy, Day Night Drugs, and enjoy the benefits we offer.

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