Liver cancer comes out as one of the fastest-growing cancers in the USA, UK, and other countries. This medical condition has the worst survival rate. Over the past few years, the cases of liver cancer in the UK have doubled, making it challenging for the healthcare system.
It might be shocking, but liver cancer affects men more than women. Over 65% of people diagnosed with any type of liver cancer are men. This condition doesn’t show the symptoms in the early stages. Therefore, you should seek medical attention immediately as soon as you start feeling any relevant symptoms.
You must note that the cause of liver cancer may vary from one to another. Cirrhosis is the most common cause of liver cancer across the world.
Although there have been changes over time, there are still considerable inequalities between races in the incidence and death of liver cancer. Statistics display that an estimated 41,200 new cases will be reported of liver cancer in the United States in 2023. And liver cancer will become the responsible factor of 29,380 deaths in the year 2023 in the USA.
If liver cancer is compared with other types of cancer, it is only accountable for 2% of all cancer cases. However, the mortality rate due to liver cancer is higher than the cases, responsible for 4.8% of deaths in the USA.
Amongst all types of liver cancer, the most common is hepatocellular carcinoma. Over the last few years, the number of cases and mortality rate has increased drastically. However, since 2017, the mortality rate and cases are following a downward trend. It might be disheartening, but liver cancer has one of the worst survival rates.
Information on cancer incidence and death in various demographic groups is available from the National Cancer Institute's Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results Programme (SEER).
According to recent SEER statistics, American Indians and Alaska Natives (17.8%) had the highest liver cancer rates per 100,000 persons, after Hispanics (14%), Asian/Pacific Islanders (10.6%), and Black people (9.5%).⁶ White non-Hispanics had the lowest rates of liver cancer (7.3%). Additionally, the mortality rates from liver cancer are much greater among minority racial groups.
In the United States, liver cancer is the sixth most common cancer-related cause of death. But not everyone is impacted equally. Socioeconomic inequalities and structural racism may have a substantial impact on the racial differences in the incidence and mortality rates of liver cancer.
It is believed that 70% of cases associated with liver cases can be averted by curbing the possible risk factors. There are particular factors that can contribute to liver cancer, irrespective of gender, race, and ethnicity. Below listed are some of the common risk factors that make you inclined to develop liver cancer and other serious medical conditions. In addition to this, liver cancer can happen to people with no below-listed risk factors:
Hepatocellular carcinoma stands out as the most common type of liver cancer, which is more prevalent in men than women. Facts show that men are two times more likely than women to develop it.
People from different races/ethnicities, such as Asian Americans, pacific islanders, Alaska natives, American Indians, African Americans, etc., are at higher risk of developing liver cancer than the white population living in the United States.
There are some diseases that can make one prone to develop the symptoms of liver cancer. These medical conditions may include Wilson disease, alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency, porphyria cutanea tarda, glycogen storage diseases, and hemochromatosis. If you are going through any such medical conditions, you are more inclined to develop liver cancer.
Inhaling anything other than fresh air is detrimental to your health. People who smoke or used to smoke are at high risk of developing severe medical conditions such as liver cancer. Break your unhealthy habits today to live a healthy future.
The excess usage of alcohol stands out as one of the common causes of liver cancer. The consumption of alcohol causes fatty liver, which results in inflammation and cirrhosis, making you prone to liver cancer and other medical conditions.
Viral hepatitis is the most common cause of liver cancer. It leads to cirrhosis of the liver. During cirrhosis, your liver gets permanently damaged and scarred. Hepatitis B can be contaminated through unprotected sex, blood transfusions, childbirth, and sharing infected needles. On the other hand, the Hepatitis C virus is also contagious and can spread through blood and contaminated needles.
There are various types of treatments accessible for liver cancer. However, which one is most suitable for you will be determined by your healthcare provider. In most cases, the treatment usually relies on the cancer stage, the patient’s medical history, age, current ongoing treatments, etc.
Chemotherapy is one of the treatments that works to address the symptoms of liver cancer. This treatment works to destroy the cancer cells in the patient’s body.
In this treatment, your tumors are destroyed without discarding them.
In order to subside the blood flow to the tumor, substances are injected into the artery that goes straight into the blood.
It comes out as an IV treatment wherein it increases the strength of the immune system to defeat the cancer.
There are certain drugs in the market that specifically work on the protein responsible for cancer cells’ growth and development.
Radiation therapy also appears as one of the effective treatments to fight against cancer. In this treatment, high radiation beams are used to kill the cancer cells in the body.
Surgeries may include liver transplantation or liver part removal.
Liver cancer is becoming a common health condition across the world over time, impacting thousands of individuals every year. This serious medical condition can happen to anyone without any prior symptoms at any time. However, there are a few people who are highly prone to develop this medical condition. The cases and mortality rates are very high in minority races.
Liver cancer can be a bit tricky because it doesn’t show any signs in the early stages. However, as the disease progresses, you might experience symptoms like unexplained weight loss, abdominal pain or swelling, jaundice, changes in appetite, etc. If you encounter any of these symptoms, you must talk to your healthcare professional as soon as possible.
Remember, you are not alone in this. You will get through this. Stay positive and stay strong. Reach out for the support you need.
Liver cancer is the deadliest disease that can happen to anyone at any age. The symptoms of this medical condition are not much evident at the initial stage. Therefore, it is often diagnosed at the mid or last stage. Liver cancer is more common in older people than any other group of people. Most people living with this medical condition are 60 or above.
Studies uncover that liver cancer is diagnosed in men more than women, irrespective of ethnicity or race. The chances are greater in men if they are already with any other liver disease. It is believed that men highly indulge in activities like tobacco smoking and taking alcoholic drinks, which come out as the common risk factor for liver cancer.
It is shocking to hear that liver cancer comes with the highest mortality rate among all types of cancers. Back in 2016, 39,220 cases were reported of liver cancer in the United States of America. Out of which, 27,170 people lost their lives due to this. Minority racial and ethnic groups are at high risk of developing liver cancer. In comparison to non-Hispanic Whites (5.7), the rate per 100,000 is significantly higher for
Blacks/African Americans (8.4),
Hispanics (9.1),
Asian/Pacific Islanders (APIs) (9.5), and
American Indians/Alaska Natives (AI/ANs) (10.3)
Liver cancer stands out as one of the fastest-growing cancers across the UK and USA. This life-endangering medical condition affects males more than females. If you are diagnosed with liver cancer at an early stage, surgeries may help you out. According to facts, it is believed that More than 45 out of every 100 patients with stage 1 liver cancer will continue to live for at least four years after their diagnosis.
If you have any blood connections or relatives with liver cancer, it increases your chances of developing liver cancer. The chances of encountering liver cancer are greater if you have a first-degree relative, such as a sibling, child, parent, etc., with such a serious medical condition. In addition to this, liver cancer can run in families even if it is not a genetic disease.
B. Pharma
(Dr. A. Sharma, PharmD, is a licensed pharmacist and a medical writer with 10 years of clinical experience. He strives to empower patients to understand their medications so that they become better healthcare advocates.)
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