Around a billion cases of influenza, commonly known as flu, are reported worldwide. Of all, around 3 to 5 million become severely ill. On average, this medical condition results in 2,90,000 to 6,50,00 respiratory deaths every year. The symptoms usually become evident 2 to 4 days after getting infected and may last up to a week. It is one of the common conditions caused by the Influenza virus. The intensity and number of symptoms may vary from sufferer to sufferer. This medical condition seems more common during the fall and winter seasons.
Most people associate influenza A and B with the common cold, but they are different. Let’s understand deeply about influenza and how to get recovered from it:
Influenza, commonly known as flu, is a transmissible respiratory illness caused by the influenza viruses, which is more common in seasons like fall and winter. This health condition majorly infects the following body parts: the nose, throat, and sometimes the lungs. These viruses can induce mild to severe illnesses. It is considered one of the common health conditions during certain months of the year and usually fades out on its own without any special medical treatment. However, in certain cases, it can lead to serious complications, including death.
Influenza or flu transmits from one person to another quickly, especially when the infected person coughs or sneezes. In order to minimize your risk of coming across it, you should get a flu shot every year. The vaccine is not 100% efficient, but it can help prevent symptoms from worsening. Flu (influenza) usually worsens existing medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma, etc.
The influenza and common cold may seem identical, but they are not. Both usually result in symptoms like runny nose and cough. Symptoms associated with influenza are often severe and may contribute to serious further complications. In contrast, symptoms of the common cold are mild and usually fade out in a week or so. In addition to this, both conditions (influenza and common cold) are caused by distinct viruses.
In the northern hemisphere, which contains the USA, flu season (when the highest number of cases of influenza are reported) is considered from October to May. The spike in the cases of influenza usually happens between December and February.
After getting infected, you may go through a wide range of symptoms, which include head and body pain, sore throat, respiratory problems, and fever. If not treated at the right time, it can also lead to serious outcomes. It possesses the potential to affect many people at once, also known as an epidemic, especially during the winter season.
Symptoms of it usually appear 2 days after getting infected by someone who has the virus. The number of symptoms and their intensity usually differ among sufferers. The symptoms of influenza are categorized into two categories: common and severe.
Nasal congestion
Body aches
A fever
A cough
A sore throat
Vomiting or diarrhea (common in kids)
Chest pain
Severe weakness
Severe dizziness
Shortness of breath
Severe pain
A high fever
Loss of consciousness
If you come across any serious symptoms, you should get immediate medical attention. Seeking medical attention as early as possible can prevent future complications and worsening of symptoms.
It is noteworthy that not everyone with flu (influenza) will come across a fever. You may encounter a severe cough, which may last up to 2 weeks or more. The majority of people will get well from fever and other symptoms in a week or so without any medical attention. People who are at high risk are more prone to encounter death and serious illnesses.
Deaths linked to influenza usually occur in people aged 65 years and above in industrialized nations.
Symptoms like ear pain, stomach problems, vomiting, and diarrhea are more common in children than adults. In certain cases, people may have the following symptoms too: water eyes, eye pain, and sensitivity to light.
There are significantly four types of influenza viruses:
Influenza A virus often results in seasonal flu epidemics in the United States every year. These viruses can result in a wide range of problems for both humans and animals. However, symptoms associated with this type are more common in humans. Among all the types, only this type has the potential to cause a pandemic (a rise in the number of cases of disease around the globe at the same time). Influenza A viruses are responsible for causing bird and swine flu. There are two surface proteins in an influenza A virus named hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, which help in classification.
This type is constantly growing regularly and is usually the main cause of large flu epidemics around the globe. Other types of influenza viruses are usually transmitted by people already living with them.
Influenza B viruses can also result in seasonal epidemics that only target humans, not animals. The following are lineages of influenza B: Victoria and Yamagata. Influenza B viruses mutate sluggishly as compared to influenza A viruses. It often causes less severe symptoms than influenza A viruses.
Influenza C doesn’t cause serious illnesses like Influenza A. In addition to this, it doesn’t have the potential to cause epidemics.
This type usually affects cattle only. No cases of it have ever been detected in humans.
There is a wide range of treatments available to address these conditions. However, the right treatment for you will depend on diverse factors, including the severity of the symptoms and influenza type. Most people with mild symptoms don’t even need medical attention, and the symptoms will fade out on their own. Many cases can be addressed at home, but certain cases may need proper medical treatment to tackle severe complications.
The following ways can help tackle the symptoms of this medical condition at home:
Drinking plenty of fluids
Getting enough rest
Using painkillers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen to manage pain
In order to access such medications, you must have a prescription. They can help control symptoms and prevent further complications like pneumonia. They can be of great help, especially for people at a high risk of flu complications, such as older adults, young children, pregnant women, and individuals with chronic health conditions.
Taking antiviral medication within 1 to 2 days after getting symptoms can lead to fruitful outcomes. Some of the common antiviral drugs are as follows:
Baloxavir marboxil
By adapting to the following ways, you can reduce the risk of catching and spreading of this medical condition:
Maintaining contact with people under it
Staying home and resting when feeling sick
While sneezing and coughing, make sure to cover your mouth and nose
Washing hands thoroughly as often as possible
Refrain from touching eyes, mouth, and nose
Wearing a protective mask while heading out
Above all, getting a flu vaccination every year is considered the best prevention out of all. Opting for a vaccine can reduce the risk of in-hospital death from the flu and hospital days.
Among all types of influenza viruses, influenza A and B are the most common ones. Most cases related to this condition get fine at home with home remedies such as staying hydrated and resting. However, it can cause serious complications in certain people at a high risk. At present, there is no treatment available that is effective in curing the flu permanently. People who encounter serious symptoms of it should get immediate medical attention. Getting a flu vaccine every year is considered the best option to diminish your risk of getting and spreading the infection.
Both strains A and B of the influenza virus are highly transmissible in nature and often lead to the same symptoms and illnesses. At present, there is no permanent cure available to address either of the strains. Taking prescribed antiviral medications, drinking plenty of fluids, and getting enough rest can assist your body in fighting the infection. In addition to this, you can also opt for yearly vaccination to minimize the possibility of contracting influenza A and B.
If you get infected with either influenza A or B, you might be prescribed antiviral drugs to tackle symptoms and prevent them from worsening. Antiviral drugs can ease the symptoms and reduce the time of sickness. Taking antivirals can help in minimizing further flu complications such as pneumonia. These kinds of medication lead to fruitful results if taken early, generally within 2 days after getting infected.
Most people diagnosed with influenza B or A recover easily at home within a few days. However, both of them can result in severe illness and death in people with a high risk of complications. As mentioned earlier, there is no cure available for it. Taking enough rest, drinking fluids, and opting for antiviral drugs can improve the symptoms and reduce their severity.
On a comparison note, Flu A is more destructive and causes more severe complications than Flu B. Influenza A is commonly diagnosed in adults. At the other end of the spectrum, influenza B usually seems more common in children. Influenza B usually causes mild symptoms and illnesses but can be serious in children aged below 5 years and older adults.
B. Pharma
(Dr. A. Sharma, PharmD, is a licensed pharmacist and a medical writer with 10 years of clinical experience. He strives to empower patients to understand their medications so that they become better healthcare advocates.)
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