What exactly are fertility drugs? These are hormone-stimulating medicines prescribed to women who are unable to get pregnant even after trying to conceive for months. Clomid and Serophene are two common fertility medicines that block estrogen from entering the hypothalamus. This method forces the pituitary glands to release follicle-stimulating hormones and gonadotropin. It is generally because of the lack of these two hormones that women cannot produce eggs to conceive.
If you have decided to buy female fertility medications, let’s first have a look at the various facts about fertility drugs.
Fertility drugs called gonadotropins are ovarian invigorating medications formed to deliver different dominant follicles during each cycle. Usually given via injection, gonadotropins are often mixed with intrauterine insemination or vitro fertilization techniques to improve conception chances.
Most of the fertility medications are meant for women with ovulation disorders or issues. The ovulation induction drug produces one mature egg in each cycle.
The side effects of fertility drugs are generally short-term and minimal. These include breast tenderness, headache, nausea, moodiness, and bloating.
Before prescribing fertility drugs, doctors carry out some tests and examinations to identify the cause behind infertility. After successfully examining the reports the doctors see if the drug will be effective or not, and if not, they advise IVF or IUI.
Fertility tablets work most effectively for women who do not drink alcohol, smoke or take illegal drugs. Intake of healthy food regularly supports the fertility drugs treatment as the body receives sufficient nutrients.
Fertility pills usually do not work on women with structural abnormalities of their fallopian tubes, uterus, or other reproductive organs. In such cases, surgery is the option suggested by doctors.
Some fertility drugs may require women to learn how to inject the medications at home as the timing of injecting the medicines may correlate with the intercourse timing.
Sometimes due to premature ovulation, women suffer infertility. In such cases, doctors usually prescribe GnRH agonists to enable woman’s body to produce more viable eggs.
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome affects around 1-2% of women who use fertility drugs. It causes enlargement of ovaries and bizarre shifts in the body’s fluid and chemical balance.
Some experts suggest a few herbal fertility supplements like red clover or black cohosh in getting women pregnant as these help in restore the hormonal balance. However, there is no evidence to support this theory. So, FDA approved fertility drugs is one of the best options.
Fertility drug treatment helps a lot of women in achieving a successful pregnancy. Infertility is not a psychological problem but a physical one, and with the right treatment, women can quickly get their hormone levels back to normal to conceive. Once your doctor prescribes you fertility medicine, go for it and regularly consult your doctor about the results to make necessary dosage changes.
Good luck making babies. Have a great day!
Also Read: Everything you need to know about female infertility
B. Pharma
(Dr. A. Sharma, PharmD, is a licensed pharmacist and a medical writer with 10 years of clinical experience. He strives to empower patients to understand their medications so that they become better healthcare advocates.)
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