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RSV Symptoms & Early Warning Signs: When to See a Doctor?


RSV is the acronym for the respiratory syncytial virus that results in the common cold-like symptoms. This is the same virus that affected myriad masses across the world last year, and it is surging again, putting a significant strain on healthcare. RSV is much more common in children aged below 5 years. For a majority of kids, it is just a stubborn and annoying cold virus, but for some kids, it can be the gateway to hospitalization. Thousands of deaths are reported every year as a result of unmanaged RSV. If the symptoms worsen, remember to see a certified doctor who can help you navigate through this easily. There are some signs that you must watch for in your kids and loved ones that raise the necessity for emergency medical help:


RSV Symptoms & Early Warning Signs


What is RSV, and why is it so common in kids?

RSV stands for respiratory syncytial virus, which comes with symptoms like thick mucus and cough that can last for weeks to months. It is one of the common problems that every kid goes through at least once before they reach age 3. Most kids get fine with at-home care, but for some kids, it may even become life-endangering. RSV results in infections of the respiratory tract and lungs and is responsible for sending more babies to the hospital than any other virus.

Adults and children over 5 years can also come into contact with this virus. However, it often causes mild symptoms in these age groups that can be easily managed at home.

Your chances of contracting this virus are higher if you belong to one of the groups mentioned below:

  • Infants below 6 months

  • Individuals of any age living with any critical health condition

  • Children with either asthma or reactive airway disease

  • Babies who were born prematurely and are below 1 year

The highest number of cases of this condition are reported in winter and early spring. Initially, it comes as an upper respiratory infection with symptoms similar to a common cold. However, if not managed, it can easily transmit from the throat and nose to the lower respiratory tract. It then causes serious inflammation in lung tissues and tiny bronchial air tubes, putting you at risk of developing pneumonia and bronchiolitis.

The body uses inflammation to fight off infection. However, it can result in aggravated airway obstruction and breathing challenges in the airways of infants or those already inflamed as a result of asthma.

While the RSV virus is common and affects almost every child, it also increases the risk of developing serious lung diseases like COPD and asthma in later years. Moreover, adults are also at risk of developing it, especially if they have a compromised immune system or have autoimmune diseases.

How does RSV happen? 

  • The cold and flu germs get into your body when you come into contact with air or infected objects such as toys and utensils. These germs can also make their way to your body if you establish close contact with someone already infected.

  • The germs of cold/flu settle in the upper respiratory tract, including the mouth, upper throat, eyes, nose, and sinuses.

  • When one’s immune system works efficiently, the sticky and stubborn mucus in your nose and sinuses lock in germs. On the other hand, the tiny hair named Cilia works to move it off the airways.

  • When germs enter your body successfully, it results in an infection. In order to tackle this infection, the immune system sends more and more blood cells to the nasal passages. This process can cause the nasal passages to become swollen, inflamed, and congested.

Tips to manage RSV at home:

Most cases of RSV usually bring mild symptoms that can be managed at home. Opting for the following tips can help you fight off infections easily and stay safe from further complications:

Manage congestion:

In order to clear up congestion, you can opt for nasal saline. You just need to put one or two drops in both nostrils. In addition to this, you can also go for a suction device like a bulb syringe to bring out the discharge. You should take bulb suctioning into use only if saline alone is not enough, as excessive bulb suctioning can irritate your nose. 

Take steam:

Using a cool mist humidifier in the room of the infected person and opting for steamy baths can soothe various symptoms, including congestion. Go for a cool mist humidifier instead of a vaporizer, as it poses a burn hazard. 

Honey is your savior:

In order to manage symptoms like cough, you can go for honey. You should use honey only if your kid is at least 1 year of age or older. Honey is the only over-the-counter medication available that comes with zero side effects.

Drink water:

In order to keep your infants hydrated, kindly use breast milk or formula milk. Both things will help them to stay hydrated and deliver other essential nutrients. You have multiple options for keeping old children hydrated, such as apple juice, water, milk, soup, watermelon, cucumber, etc.

Relieve pain:

If your kid is older than 2 months, you can give acetaminophen, and if your kid is older than 6 months, you can give ibuprofen for fever. Please consult your doctor before you give any medication. These medications are also effective in addressing sore throats, muscle aches, headaches, etc. 

Note: At present, there is no medication available to tackle RSV. However, you can use the above-mentioned tips to manage your loved one’s symptoms at home. These will help them get through the infection easily without the fear of further complications. If they are not eating anything, add salt and sugar to their drinks. In order to manage ear pain, you can use a warm washcloth.

Symptoms of RSV

After getting exposed to the virus, the symptoms may take about 4 to 6 days to occur. In adults and older children, this virus causes symptoms like colds such as: 

  • Dry cough

  • Sore throat

  • Sneezing

  • Headache

  • Low-grade fever

  • Runny nose

  • Congested nose

In severe cases, RSV infection can spread from the upper respiratory tract to the lower respiratory tract, which may cause pneumonia and bronchiolitis. The symptoms of severe cases may include: 

  • Fever

  • Severe cough

  • Difficult breathing

  • Cyanosis

  • Wheezing

Symptoms of severe RSV infection in children may include: 

  • Shallow and rapid breathing

  • Cough

  • Poor feeding

  • Irritability

  • Lethargy 

The symptoms will start to fade in a week or two. However, some people may experience constant wheezing. Serious cases of this virus require hospital stays, and premature infants and people with chronic lung or heart problems are more prone to it.

When does your kid need a medical visit?

If you notice the following symptoms in your kid, please take them to their doctor or emergency department:

Symptoms of breathing trouble may include:

  • Rapid and shallow breathing

  • Lethargy

  • Pale or blue lips

  • Nostrils flaring with each breath

  • Requiring extra muscle to breathe

  • Unable to drink and breathe at the same time

Dehydration: In general, most kids urinate every 3 to 6 hours, and you know the child better than anyone else.  If they don’t pee like usual and have other indications of dehydration, such as dry mouth, lethargy, and lack of tears, they require immediate attention. 

Pain: Your child may come across an ear infection, pneumonia, or sinus infections similar to colds. Keep an eye out for signs of chest, ear, and sinus pain.

The Takeaway: 

RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) is a common condition that can affect a plethora of people every year. However, most people, including children, get well with at-home care. However, for some people, especially children below age 5 years, it can become the reason for hospitalization and sometimes death. Therefore, upon witnessing its serious symptoms, as mentioned above, please get immediate medical attention. On the other hand, if the RSV Symptoms are mild, you can easily overcome them at home with the above-mentioned tips. In order to contain transmission, wash your hands frequently, stay away from infected people, disinfect frequently touched surfaces, etc.


1. When should I see a doctor for RSV?

RSV usually induces symptoms like the common cold and can be treated at home with home remedies. However, if you come across the following symptoms in you or your loved ones, it is important to get in touch with a certified healthcare provider immediately: 

  • Difficulty breathing

  • High fever

  • Bluish tint to the skin, especially on nail beds and lips

2. When should we go to urgent care for RSV?

RSV, also referred to as a respiratory syncytial virus, affects myriad individuals every year across the globe. Most people get fine with at-home care. However, for certain people, it may become the gateway to hospitalization, especially people with compromised immune systems and infants. If you experience any of the following symptoms, it is advised to seek immediate medical attention:

  • Difficulty breathing

  • High fever

  • Bluish skin, particularly on nail beds and lips

3. What is the danger zone for RSV?

The danger zone for RSV stands for a group of people who are at increased risk of developing serious illnesses. This group of people may include older adults living with serious illnesses and infants under 6 months or who were born prematurely.

4. What symptoms should I be concerned about with RSV? 

This infection can easily be transferred to the lower respiratory tract, resulting in increased chances of developing pneumonia and bronchiolitis. If you witness any of the following symptoms in you or your loved ones, you are requested to get in touch with your healthcare provider at the earliest:

  • Severe cough

  • Fever

  • Wheezing

  • Rapid breathing

  • The bluish color of the skin

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B. Pharma

(Dr. A. Sharma, PharmD, is a licensed pharmacist and a medical writer with 10 years of clinical experience. He strives to empower patients to understand their medications so that they become better healthcare advocates.)


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