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How Much Water is Enough for a Healthy Life?


Water plays many essential roles in the human body, allowing humans to perform various day-to-day tasks smoothly and swiftly. How much you should drink in a day has always been a topic of debate. Most healthy people usually need four to six cups of plain water daily. However, it may be surprising to know that water intake is individualized based on your health status and other factors.

Many people don’t drink enough water daily, especially older adults, resulting in severe dehydration, which may affect your overall health, especially your kidneys. We will help you to know how much water you need daily to stay hydrated and healthy:


How much you need to drink in a day?


Benefits of drinking water

The following are the top-notch benefits of drinking water: 

Effective in Preventing and Addressing Headaches:

Not drinking enough water or staying dehydrated can result in headaches and migraines in a large number of people. Several studies have proven that headache appears as one of the most common symptoms of dehydration. In addition to this, staying hydrated can alleviate headaches in people who come across headaches frequently. 

Improves Physical Performance: 

Staying dehydrated can greatly interfere with your physical performance. You can feel the impact of dehydration on physical performance, especially during intense exercise.

You may have the visible effects of dehydration in your body if you even lose the 2% water content of your body. On the other hand, losing 6 to 10% water content of the body is common for athletes via sweat. 

Dehydration can contribute to diminished motivation, decreased strength, and changes in body temperature control.  This can also result in difficulty in performing exercise mentally and physically. Staying hydrated can avert this from happening and may also minimize oxidative stress that usually happens during high-intensity exercise.

Greatly Impairs your Energy Levels and Brain Functions:

The water content in the body can greatly affect your brain's functioning. Several studies prove that even as little as 1 to 3% loss of body weight possesses the power to affect the many aspects of brain function. Studies revealed a fluid loss of 1.4% In women following exercise interfered with both concentration and mood. In addition to this, it also resulted in increased frequency of headaches. On the other hand, the same study on men revealed that the loss of 1.6% of fluid was dangerous for working memory and also increased the feeling of fatigue and anxiety. 

May Help Tackle Constipation:

Going through constipation occasionally is fine, but living with the same problem daily can be irksome. Constipation is defined by trouble passing stool and infrequent bowel movements. In most cases of constipation, increasing water intake or staying hydrated is recommended as a treatment. Being dehydrated comes out as a significant risk factor in adults and young people for constipation. Increasing your hydration can definitely help with constipation. Opting for mineral water can be highly fruitful for people living with constipation.

How Much Water Should You Drink in a Day?

The amount of water you should drink in a day depends on a wide range of factors, such as your health condition, age, daily physical activity level, gender, etc. According to science, healthy men and women should aim to drink 15.5 cups and 11.5 cups of water daily, respectively. Depending on additional fluid sources like coffee, tea, juice, fruits, and vegetables, you may need only four to six cups of plain water.

Some other factors that may mean you need to increase your water intake are as follows: 

Daily Physical Activity:

If you are an athlete or a person who actively participates in sports and other physical activity, you may lose a lot of water through water. In order to fulfill this scarcity, you should increase your water intake. People participating in long periods of physical activity, such as marathons, need to restore both water and sodium losses.


If you live in a country/city/ region where the temperature is high throughout the year, you may need to increase your water intake. In hot temperatures, you may lose a lot of water through sweat, which can result in dehydration. 

Certain Health Conditions and Medications:

You might need to increase your water intake if you are living with health conditions such as thyroid disease, kidney problems, and heart disease or using medication such as antidepressants, opiate pain medication, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


As age increases, sensing thirst could be difficult, increasing the chances of dehydration. The problems may become worse if older people are on medication that results in fluid loss, such as diuretics. You should increase your water intake as you age. 

How can I Calculate How much Water I Need to Drink a Day?

As listed earlier, how much water you should drink relies on many factors; you must check with your healthcare provider to know the precise amount you should drink based on your unique needs and circumstances. Water intake is individualized based on your health and other factors.

If you don’t consume enough water, your chances of becoming dehydrated are higher. The following are the signs of dehydration: weakness, low blood pressure, dizziness, dark yellow urine, confusion, etc.

Fluids Other than Water to Keep You Hydrated:

If you are someone who thinks water is the only way to stay hydrated, you may be wrong. Drinking beverages, including water, also helps you fulfill your daily water needs. If you also believe that caffeinated beverages and alcoholic drinks make you dehydrated because they result in frequent urination, it’s completely a myth. They make you urinate frequently, but at the same time, water from these drinks helps to fulfill daily water requirements.

It is undeniable that water is better than other choices for meeting daily water intake needs. Consuming sugary drinks daily can result in weight gain and inflammation, which puts you at risk of developing health conditions like diabetes. Drinks high in caffeine can interfere with your sleeping routine and may cause jitters. In addition to this, alcohol intake should be as low as possible due to its impact on health.


Water plays several vital roles in the body, from boosting energy levels to tackling headaches and migraines. How much water you should be drinking in a day is determined by a multitude of factors. Also, how much water you need a day is individualized based on your particular needs and circumstances. Please consult your doctor in order to find the optimal water intake you need to consume per day. If you don’t consume water as much as you need to perform daily functions effectively, you may stumble upon various problems such as dehydration.


1. How much water is recommended daily for healthy living?

As listed earlier, water plays several significant roles in the body, from allowing the body to flush waste through urine to tackling headaches and migraines. The amount of water you need to drink in a day depends on a wide range of factors such as physical activity levels, medications, age, temperature, etc. However, healthy adults need around 4 to 6 cups of plain water to stay hydrated and perform duties efficiently.

2. What is the minimum water intake to live? 

The minimum amount of water you need to live normally depends on various factors, such as your age and the temperature where you are living. An average healthy person must drink at least two quarts (half a gallon) of water every day to stay hydrated and healthy. You may have to increase water consumption if you live in hot temperatures, are a nursing mother, or are ill.

3. Is 2 gallons of water a day too much?

The daily water intake requirement depends on a multitude of factors. However, drinking two gallons of water (7 liters) in a day is really way too much. Meet your healthcare provider to know how much water you should drink based on your age, daily physical activity levels, and the medication you take.

4. What happens when you start drinking enough water?

Drinking enough water daily is one of the essential requirements to keep health in check. Water carries out some essential roles in the body, such as helping kidneys expel waste from the blood. In case you don’t drink enough water daily, the waste with acids will start building up. As a result, it can clog the kidneys with proteins called myoglobin. In addition to this, dehydration can also result in kidney stones and urinary tract infections

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B. Pharma

(Dr. A. Sharma, PharmD, is a licensed pharmacist and a medical writer with 10 years of clinical experience. He strives to empower patients to understand their medications so that they become better healthcare advocates.)


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