Smoking- the new age sign of being cool...!! When in college or later life, we feel the urge to try out smoking at least once. And once we get caught in the spiral, it’s so hard to bring ourselves out of it. Hence, it’s been rightly said, “Bad habits die hard.” And this happens despite knowing all the harmful effects it can cause on our health. Smoking is the worst addiction that one can ever get into. And, of course, it does no good to our bodies. The effects of smoking are not overnight. Instead, it will bring in changes in the long-term process.
If you have been a long-time smoker, then the process of quitting smoking may not be an easy one for you. But if you want to, you are sure to pass through it. Along with a few lifestyle changes and smoking cessation medications readily available in the market, the process is more convenient for you.
Below mentioned are the tips and tricks through which you can curtail down smoking: -
It’s essential to identify your trigger points before taking any step further. Once identified, try to replace those with better alternatives.
Keep delaying the time you have set for yourself to smoke. Start with 10 minutes and then get indulged in other activities to divert your mind.
Chewing on gums or candy or munching on nuts, seeds, or anything satisfying helps a lot in dealing with tobacco cravings.
Even after a lot of shots, if you are still unable to fight tobacco cravings, you can hop on to trying some medications as well. You can buy smoking cessation drugs after getting a consultation with a doctor. Getting a consultation will help to find the right treatment.
Indulging in routine physical activity helps in maintaining a healthier lifestyle. It also helps in diverting your mind from tobacco cravings.
Nothing in the world is easy. You have to be extremely patient with the entire process of quitting tobacco for life. Once started, you cannot expect an overnight change. It’s a long process and you can only expect a difference if you do this willingly.
Smoking is the worst habit that one can ever develop in their entire lifespan. Quitting smoking is always a personal choice. And if you want to lead a tobacco-free life, the points mentioned above are sure to help you.
Also Read: 5 Ways to Combat Tobacco Cravings
B. Pharma
(Dr. A. Sharma, PharmD, is a licensed pharmacist and a medical writer with 10 years of clinical experience. He strives to empower patients to understand their medications so that they become better healthcare advocates.)
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